Not so big deal, however….

Heikki Remes ” the wineman from Finland” has been writing articles about food and wines with his wife Eeva Remes for over twenty years. Initially the articles were published in regional newspapers, but for over a decade now, they have been featured on the blog

Today the wineman, a non-professional writer, has reached a new milestone with over one MILLION (1.000.000) visitors to the wineman’s blog!

During this time the wineman has visited over 350 vineyards in Europe and South America, meeting and discussing with winemakers. In his writings the wineman aims to convey the messages and information from vineyards, wine cellars and winemakers to average food and wine lovers, emphasizing the stories behind the grapes and wines, as well as the paring of food and wines.

The warmest thanks to all readers, the wine torch is burning bright and moving forward
Yours truly, Heikki

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